Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Throat Exercises for Sleep Apnea

“Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.”- Anthony Burgess
Last week I received a CPAP machine for Sleep Apnea. I think it’s helping but I’m still adjusting to the mask and won’t know for sure for several more days. However a CPAP machine does not cure Sleep Apnea – it just prevents it while you use the machine. So now I’m dependent on this machine for life. It even came in a nice looking carrying case so I can take it with me on vacations and other overnight trips.
Personally I prefer a cure. There is some evidence that throat exercise can reduce Sleep Apnea by making the throat stronger and more resistant to closing while sleeping. The most effective way to strengthen the throat is to exercise it like a professional singer. Here are some throat exercises I found on the Web:
1. Say La-La-La-La five times over. Hold each “La” for three seconds and focus on working your throat and neck muscles. Then say Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka five times with three seconds on each syllable. The ‘K’ uses different muscles. Finish with the same routine saying Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma. Try these exercises twice a day.
2. Sing through the vowel sounds (A-E-I-O-U) as loudly as you can (or dare). Songs like ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm’ are also good.
3. Push your tongue firmly against the back of your front teeth and slide it to the back of your mouth. Repeat for three minutes.
4. Purse your mouth firmly as if playing a trumpet or blowing into a bottle and hold for thirty seconds.
5. Act like a bullfrog and contract the muscles of the back of the throat for another thirty seconds.
6. Force your lower jaw to the left for thirty seconds. Now back to the right for thirty seconds.
Bottom Line
These same exercises can also reduce snoring.
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Blogger Unknown said...

I adore this website!! The blaze up the top is wonderful!! types of cpap masks

April 28, 2016 at 12:06 PM  
Blogger James Henry said...

Oral appliances are a type of treatment for sleep apnea that can be worn during sleep to help keep the airway open. These devices are designed to fit in the mouth and are often used in combination with other treatments such as lifestyle changes and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

December 19, 2022 at 12:42 PM  

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