Ten Worst Money Mistakes Anyone Can Make

I'm alright Jack keep your hands off my stack."
-lyrics to Money by Pink Floyd
FreeMoneyFinance.com says there is just one rule to managing your money:
Spend less than you earn over a long period of time
While this is great advice, you can still lose your shirt by making one these Ten Worst Money Mistakes.
1. No Emergency Fund
Things happen; the washing machine breaks, car needs repairs, kids need braces, and so on. Borrowing money to pay for life’s emergencies will just put you deeper in debt. Protect yourself by keeping six months of living expenses in a SAFE place. Safe means not in stocks or any investment that can lose value suddenly. CDs are nice but the money is locked up for months or years. I keep six months in a savings account. It earns peanuts but it’s always there if I need it.
Corollary: if you use your emergency fund, pay it back ASAP.
2. No Will
57% of Americans have no will, including 69% of parents with kids under 18. If the parents die the State will decide how the money is allocated.
3. Not Enough Insurance
Insurance is the ultimate emergency fund for really big events like the total loss of your house or car. Consider also an umbrella policy on your house that covers lawsuits and liability like someone slipping on your icy sidewalk. Our umbrella policy paid off when a small leak was found in our underground oil tank.
4. Marrying the Wrong Person
Marry someone who agrees with your money style. A miser and a spendthrift are incompatible and divorce is expensive.
5. Not Saving
Put away at least 10% of each paycheck for future expenses like a new car, college tuition, vacation, etc. Don’t borrow for these big ticket items. The only item that is just TOO big to save for is a new house.
6. Too much house
Speaking of houses, don’t buy more house than you can afford. Don’t count on overtime or a future raise to pay the mortgage. Put as much money down as you can, say 20%, and aim to pay off the loan within ten years. The interest on a 20-30 year loan is a monster. My parents bought a $70,000 home but the total mortgage payments over 20 years would total $240,000.
7. Waiting to Invest
Don’t wait for a “good time” to invest. I’ve had stocks plunge to half their value and thought they would never recover. But they did. The NY Lottery (which I don’t recommend) says you have to Play to Win. Likewise you have to invest to make any gains.
8. Being in Debt
Debt eats your money. The goal is to earn interest and make money, not pour it down a hole to make someone else wealthy.
9. Not maximizing your Career
Your job is where you’ll earn most of your money. Even a small raise in pay will accumulate over the years to a nice amount. Work hard and get paid what you’re worth.
10. Over Spending
This violates the prime directive (spend less than you earn) and is a sure way to go into debt. Everyone says, “I don’t earn enough”, but in reality it’s how you spend, not what you earn that makes a difference. Boxer Mike Tyson earned $300 million in his career, but it wasn’t enough for his lavish lifestyle. He filed for bankruptcy in 2003, owing $27 million.
Bottom Line
Check out the full article at Ten Worst Money Mistakes Anyone Can Make. It contains dozens of useful links for Estate Planning, emergency fund planning, Insurance planning, etc, contained within the story.
Labels: bankruptcy, Banks, Budget, Debt, Household Income, Insurance, Investing, Marriage, Money, Mortgages
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